No more excuses. You can be a boss and find your guy, promise. Matchmakers teach you how.

You Can Do It!
When you have a career that requires extensive travel, does life stop until you arrive back home? No way. You’d be surprised how many clients we meet who have traveled for years, giving their all to their careers and have found it difficult year-after-year to maintain a healthy relationship because they’re rarely on their “home” turf. So how do you find and keep love when you’re never home? Here are our nine best tips.

Create a 2nd Home
Evaluate your travel over the past 3-6 months and see if there are any trends in the places you need to visit. Choose the top 1 or 2 areas you visit the most and start there. Those are your 2nd and maybe 3rd places to create a home base so expand your mind to believe your new man could be there too, just waiting to meet you.

Don’t Hide
How many times have you traveled to an area and figured, “I won’t be here long so I won’t alert anyone that I’m coming.” We recommend the opposite! When traveling, even though you may not be staying in the area long, don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends who live in the area to establish a network of people who can play more of a supportive role in your life when you’re in town. Sharing a home-cooked meal or meeting out with them and their friends can make you feel more at home and you may just meet someone special in their circle. Give them a heads up so they have time to plan accordingly and invite friends, the more the merrier!

Be intentional about staying connected
If you do meet a new love interest or even if you’ve started a relationship near home, don’t just fall off the radar during the week just because you’re away. Yes, you’re working but be intentional about staying super connected during the week so he knows how special he is. Send a quick video while you’re breaking for lunch or text to say you’re thinking of him. Plan video chats instead of phone calls at night during the time you’re away. You can even invite him with you occasionally and make a fun getaway out of it. The goal here is to stay top of mind.

If your single, don’t wait to date when you get home
With the new wave of online dating, the good news is you can arrange a date with a great guy no matter where you are. Remember, your new man may not live in the same city. Use the fact that you are physically in more than 1 location to your advantage and do a search before you arrive. It’s actually a benefit! Enjoy meeting someone new out for coffee or a beverage and see where it goes.

Try a new activity
So you’ve always wanted to try something new? For example, salsa dancing or hiking. We say there’s no time like the present. Go ahead and enjoy it in multiple locations. Allow yourself to have different experiences with different people in different places. It’s a win-win!

Explore the area
At this time of year, most locations are promoting local food and wine festivals, outdoor concerts, or even group activities and meet-ups. Instead of heading straight back to the hotel after work, join in the fun and meet someone new, whether it’s a great guy or a new female friend that you can meet next time you’re in the area to continue exploring.

Look and feel great after 5 pm
Even though work is over for the day, challenge yourself to still wear fun clothes that are flattering to your figure no matter whether you’re running errands and you think no one knows you, or even if you’re staying in the hotel for breakfast or dinner. There’s a good chance you’ll see someone during your downtime who is single too and wants to say hello. We can guarantee that Mr. Right will most likely NOT show up at your hotel door while you’re on the computer catching up on work.

Leave work at work
Here’s the thing, your job has contracted you out to spend time away from your home turf with projects in other areas. It doesn’t mean they have contracted you for 24 hours and the whole 5 days you’re away. Allow them the 8-9 hours a day they paid for and the rest is your time! Make good use of it!

Share a piece of you at every location
So often it’s easiest to keep everything very professional and above board. But don’t be afraid to share a snippet of your personal life with others at work no matter where you are and whenever possible, let them know you’re single and ready for love. It makes you more human and opens doors for potential suitors in other areas of the business or possibly an introduction to a single friend or brother of a colleague.