He’s Showing You His Sensitive Side
1. Oh yes ladies, men are sensitive too. When he begins sharing personal things about himself that make him more vulnerable and you handle those feelings with care, he sees that he can trust you with so much more. Physical bonds and general chemistry are important, but can come a dime a dozen. When you’ve formed an emotional bond with him, that’s something that can potentially last forever.
Photo by Athena Carey
His Family and Friends Know Who You Are
2. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve met women who have been in what they thought was a relationship but had never been introduced to or even mentioned to his closest circle. If he’s letting them know that he’s met someone special and discussing plans of when you’ll meet, you’re definitely heading in the right direction.
Photo by Iza Habur
He’s Willing to Adjust to Make You Happy
3. So he’s been single for a while and used to doing things a certain way. But you notice, he’s being considerate of your needs and even your schedule in an attempt to make things work.
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He Mentions You In Future Plans
4. So he has an event coming up for work or a gathering with his friends that he normally attends solo, but he checks with you to see if you’re available. Great! He’s feeling comfortable introducing you to his world and is envisioning you in it long-term.
He Mentions Unique Things He Loves About You
5. We often tell our clients, the secret to a long-term, solid relationship is having shared interests, morals, values, etc. and finding those characteristics you desire that you realize you can’t get from anyone else. Whether it’s a warm, nurturing and bubbly personality, the ability to have an intellectual conversation then flip it to hang out and watch the game, or your cooking that will bring any man to his knees, he has found it in you and let’s you know he’s loving it and can’t get enough.
You’re Transparent and He’s Still Around
6. How many times have you shown up on the first few dates with the best representation of yourself? But as time goes on, you begin to share some of the things you’ve been faced with in life. You know, situations like having a dysfunctional extended family, a wayward teenage child, or residual hurt from past relationships… and instead of him instantly changing the subject, he continues to talk about how his life and experiences can incorporate with yours. Oh yes, he’s into you, and he’s considering how this can really work.
Photo by Athena Carey
He Proactively Calls and Texts
7. One of the questions we hear most often is, “how can I move him from texting to calling?” And, we know why this is important. When he calls, this tells us he wants to hear your voice in addition to just keeping the lines of communication open with a mere text. He’s making time for you in his day and you were on his mind. If he’s proactively calling you regularly, whatever you’re doing, keep it up!
You Have Full Access to Him 24/7
8. When you’re only hearing from him in the car to or from work or sporadically in the evenings, there could be cause for concern. When he’s really into you, he’s laying in bed talking to you at night (which confirms he’s alone) and consistently picking up the phone when you call no matter what time of day.
He Shows Interest In What You’re Into
9. So he knows every 2nd Saturday of the month you volunteer at a local agency and you’ve been lugging heavy boxes into the venue for as long as you can remember. Before you know it, he’s there with you pitching in and helping you get things done because it’s a cause that’s near and dear to your heart. This doesn’t mean he will drop everything he was doing before you two met, but if he’s really into you he will adopt the things that are closest to the core of who you are.
The Point Of It All
10. Hopefully you now better understand some of the things he’s doing that confirm that he likes where things are going and really considers your relationship to be serious. On the flip side, if you’ve made most of these moves but haven’t seen them reciprocated, take notice. Based on his actions, you’ll know how to respond and how much time or energy this relationship deserves going forward.